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Press releases
Dec 05, 2017

DfT says HAL’s third runway cannot be delivered until 2030 ENR (the cheaper, simpler, quicker scheme to extend the Northern Runway) can be completed by 2026

Jock Lowe and Nick Dunn of Gatwick presented proposals for their respective phased expansion schemes, which can be paused or stopped if demand or environmental targets are not met. They explained Heathrow Airport Ltd’s (HAL’s) North West Runway (NWR) scheme is the only proposal not able to deliver phased construction.

Together, Heathrow Hub and Gatwick explained the serious flaws with the draft NPS, which continues to misrepresent the economic benefit of both the Heathrow Extended Northern Runway (ENR) scheme and Gatwick. It also fails to mention the fact that the ENR scheme can offer more respite than HAL’s proposal by offering curved and staged approaches.

Furthermore, Jock Lowe with his experience as a former pilot and flight operations director, explained to the committee that the complex airspace required for the HAL scheme to be delivered, on which the claimed economic benefits for NWR depend, makes its delivery "remote”; an assertion supported by Gatwick and not represented by the draft NPS.

They also answered questions on the impact on the UK’s regional airports, the cost and delivery risks associated with the NWR, air freight capability and the impact of the rise of low fare / long haul on the future economic case.

The DfT failed to provide clear answers on their methodology throughout the session. Caroline Low, Director, Aviation Capacity Delivery at the DfT, also confirmed that HAL’s scheme would not be complete until 2030, unlike the ENR proposal, which could be delivered by 2026.


Boscobel & Partners
0203 642 1310

Jock Lowe, Heathrow - Hub
07831 599 925

Notes to editors

Heathrow Hub is an independent proposal for expansion at Heathrow, by extending the existing northern runway westwards away from London, negating the need to build a third runway. Planes would land at one end and take off at the other. The scheme is cheaper, quicker and simpler. It also destroys fewer houses. For more information and images, please visit:
